Scaling and Root planning also known as "Deep Cleaning"
Deep cleaning involves detailed removal of the plaque and tartar that has been accumulated on the teeth and root surfaces of the dentition specially below the gum in the area known as Pockets. Scottsdale Dentist and our hygienist start the procedure with hand instruments known as scalers and ultrasonic scaler. The use of ultrasonics efficiently removes plaque and tartar build in hard to reach areas. The use of scalers and ultrasonics "plane" the root surfaces, leaving a clean and smooth surface for the gum tissues to attach and eliminate pockets.
How does the procedure feel
Periodontal Maintenance
Following Scaling and Root planning you will be placed on a 3 month cleaning schedule to maintain your gums and promote healing and elimination of periodontal pockets. This regimen is the most important part of periodontal disease treatment. Periodontal maintenance typically involves:
At our dental office we routinely treat periodontal disease effectively in Scottsdale, please contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mazaheri.
One of the most common dental conditions in oral medicine is Periodontal disease. This condition involves the inflammation of the gums that affect the bone and the stability of the teeth in the mouth. Some of the factors that contribute to periodontal disease include: Smoking, diabetes, plaque, and poor oral hygiene. There are few treatments available to treat periodontal disease.
Scaling and Root planning also known as "Deep Cleaning"
Deep cleaning involves detailed removal of the plaque and tartar that has been accumulated on the teeth and root surfaces of the dentition specially below the gum in the area known as Pockets. Scottsdale Dentist and our hygienist start the procedure with hand instruments known as scalers and ultrasonic scaler. The use of ultrasonics efficiently removes plaque and tartar build in hard to reach areas. The use of scalers and ultrasonics "plane" the root surfaces, leaving a clean and smooth surface for the gum tissues to attach and eliminate pockets.
How does the procedure feel
The procedure normally begins with local anesthesia to numb the tissues so that there will be no discomfort during the cleaning process. Following the procedure your teeth may be slightly sensitive for one to two days while the gums are healing. We sometimes prescribe desensitizing medication to provide you with sensitivity relief.
Periodontal Maintenance
Following Scaling and Root planning you will be placed on a 3 month cleaning schedule to maintain your gums and promote healing and elimination of periodontal pockets. This regimen is the most important part of periodontal disease treatment. Periodontal maintenance typically involves:
At our dental office we routinely treat periodontal disease effectively in Scottsdale, please contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mazaheri.