In case you are looking for that fabulous smile, porcelain veneers are one of the common and beautiful treatments for teeth which might be discolored, broken, chipped, or rotated. We routinely utilize Porcelain veneers as part of our smile makeover procedures. cosmetic dentist in Scottsdale
Porcelain Veneers Procedure
Porcelain veneers are skinny shell of porcelain, which can be bonded over damaged, misaligned, discolored, or stained dentition as end result of years of stain causing foods such as coffee, tobacco, wine, bruxing (grinding), or tetracycline staining caused at birth.
The initial process begins with diagnostic wax-up (mock up models) of the proposed outcome. The teeth are then prepared minimally as viable, impressions are taken, and the teeth are temporized with temporary veneers. The porcelain veneers are custom-made at our nearby dental laboratory here in Arizona according to the shape and shade selected by patient and Dr. Mazaheri. The veneers can be fabricated in different shades such as Hollywood bleach or natural shades. Dr. Mazaheri has samples of our bleach and natural porcelain shades to help you select the best outcome for your treatment. We typically deliver our porcelain veneers in Scottsdale in just two weeks or less. The restorations are finally bonded to the teeth with a durable cement and the bite is evaluated and adjusted. The broken, or discolored tooth is now restored with a healthy-looking porcelain veneer for the years yet to come. Following treatment we sometimes recommend patients whom have dental veneers to use a protective night guard appliance in order to protect the veneers from possible fracture during night time teeth grinding.
If you have more questions about Porcelain Veneers in Scottsdale AZ please contact us for more information.